Chapter four of Water for Elephants links into one of my predictions from chapter about Jacob Jankowski possibly promoted to a higher role in the circus. At the start of the chapter Jacob departs from "Camel" (the man who set him up with his starting job with the circus) and continues his hunt in finding a better job. With Jacob's atitude the author Sara Gruen is saying that you always need to work your way up to where you want to be in life. Jacob then meets up with Uncle Al who is the ringleader of the show and asks him for work. Jacob tells Uncle Al that he attended Cornell to become a veternarian but never finished his exams and then was given a chance to work with animals and a place to stay on the train when they were travelling to the next show. I am curious why Mr. Jankowski didn't finish school at Cornell and write his exams to become a veternarian becuase I am sure he could be more successful being a vet then just working at the circus. Without knowing what the rest of the novel is about I am wondering if Jacob will excel in his new job and become an important piece of the circus team.
Chapter 5
This chapter consists of Mr. Jankowski in the nursing home back in present time. The nurse wakes up Jacob and explains to him that tomorrow he is going to the circus. With the author switching back and forth between past and present it makes the book confusing but that is just the way the storyline was created. Jacob is thrilled to watch the people in the park where the circus is being held from the nursing home window. I am very interested about how Mr. Jankowski is going to react about going to the cicus now and be able to reflect on when he was actually participating in the circus. The chapter ends with more anger between Jacob and the other residents so I am wondering how the tension will be like tomorrow when they are visiting the circus together.